Management co ownership: our skills

The Agence des Alpes is also the management of your co-ownership in the mountains!

Our agency has been involved for several years in the management of buildings in the Belleville Valley (Les Menuires, St Martin de Belleville and its villages resorts, etc.).

With a long experience in mountain real estate, it will be your guarantee of the good management of your co-ownership.

Professionalism, respect for ethics and the availability of the team throughout the year characterize our commitment as a manager:

- Our offices in Les Menuires and St Martin de Belleville are open throughout the year with extended hours during the summer and winter seasons for more availability for our co-owners;

- We are able to ensure bilingual management of your co-ownership (held in French and English for union councils, general meetings, etc.);

- Our location in the heart of the Belleville Valley allows us greater proximity to residences and gives us a good knowledge of local networks and their actors;

- We attach great importance to management in relation with the members of the union council (team made up of co-owners elected at a general meeting to assist the property manager and control his management);

- In addition to the annual general meetings of co-ownership, work meetings are organized with the union councils and their presidents. Regular relationships are also put in place using modern communication tools (e-mails, conference calls, etc.).

For more information: 

Contact us

More détails about the co-ownership management





Carte Professionnelle n°394 délivrée par la Préfecture de la Savoie

Garantie financière : SEGAP – LLOYD’S;

21, avenue de Suffren

75007 PARIS